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Frequently Asked Questions on AEIP applications, tools and products.

  • What does 'Exposure' mean? What is Exposure?
    Exposure refers to the elements at risk from a natural or man-made hazard event. This could include: individuals; dwellings or households, communities; buildings and structures; public facilities and infrastructure assets; agricultural commodities; environmental assets; and business activity.
  • What is an Exposure Report?
    The Exposure Report presents exposure information located within a user-define Area of Interest (AoI) in a clear and easily accessible report. It consists of a location map, lists of LGAs and Localities within the AoI and tables categorised by user-defined exposure themes: Agriculture, Building, Business, Environment, Infrastructure, and, Institution. View example Exposure Report
  • What does 'Exposure Information' mean?
    Exposure information is the location and characteristics, or attributes, of each of the elements which help identify who and what is at risk. Characteristics include structural (construction year, wall and roof materials, building size), economic (construction and replacement cost value) and demographic (population and social vulnerability indicators) which help indicate who and what is at risk.
  • Who would use the Exposure Reports?
    Anyone can use the Exposure Report. Although originally created for the emergency management audience, the Exposure Reports create a community profile of the AOI which can be used by researchers, town planners, insurance, etc.
  • What are Exposure Themes?
    The Exposure Themes are Agriculture, Building, Business, Environment, Infrastructure and Institution. They are defined to categorise the Exposure Elements and to assist the user in creating an Exposure Report with only the information they require.
  • Does the Exposure Reports contain personal information?
    No. Exposure information is produced by sourcing the best publicly available information, statistics, spatial and survey data about buildings, demographics, community infrastructure and agricultural commodities. Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Population and Housing Census provide demographic statistics at SA1 or SA2 level and dwelling type where available for census periods. For any AOI containing twenty (20) or less dwellings, demographic and some building information is not displayed because exposure information at small aggregations becomes meaningless. Exposure Reports are not for operational purposes and do not contain personal information.
  • What is NEXIS and the AEIP?
    Geoscience Australia have created the resource below explaining the linkages between NEXIS and the AEIP. After watching these video clips if you still have questions feel free to contact us at Video 1: Australian Exposure Information Platform (overview) Video 2: What is NEXIS and the AEIP?
  • AEIP Exposure Report Product Description
    The Geoscience Australia Exposure Report Product Description document provides a detailed breakdown of definitions, methodologies, calculations, data sources, etc. This will help you to understand what is involved in capturing each exposure element. The Geoscience Australia Exposure Report Product Description document Version 9 is located at: View Exposure Report Product Description Document
  • Tips for creating simplified boundaries
    The complexity of some boundaries can cause processing errors and or result in slow Exposure Report production. The document Improving the performance of the AEIP by reducing vector polygon complexity is a reference for simplifying boundaries, thereby reducing Exposure Report turnaround time. The general principles in the document can be applied to all boundaries submitted to the AEIP.
  • Disclaimers
    The full AEIP disclaimer is available here:
  • What can I do with the exposure report mapping application?
    Use the Exposure Report mapping application tools to explore and define your area of interest. The application includes a map and spatial features, of which you can pan, zoom, view additional information, measure areas and distances, search for locations, create bookmarks, etc. The ‘Create Exposure Report’ tool allows you to upload; draw or select an existing administrative area to request your own custom Exposure Report. When you have completed the form and submitted your information, a link to your report will be emailed to you.
  • How long does it take to receive an exposure report?
    Depending on the size and complexity of the area of interest, an exposure report is generally emailed to your account within 15 minutes. Areas of interest covering large extents and or more densely populated extents will take longer. To ensure the application will return a result the area of interest should: be less than 10mb in file size not exceed 150,000,000ha not include more than one capital city be generalised or smoothed (ie as few vertices as possible) especially if the area of interest has been converted from raster to vector format exclude 'donut' polygons and internal voids, or be kept to a minimum If you have not received an email containing your area of interest Exposure Report within 60 minutes, email:
  • Tips for creating simplified boundaries
    The complexity of some boundaries can cause processing errors and or result in slow Exposure Report production. The document Improving the performance of the AEIP by reducing vector polygon complexity is a reference for simplifying boundaries, thereby reducing Exposure Report turnaround time. The general principles in the document can be applied to all boundaries submitted to the AEIP.
  • Can I run multiple areas of interest at the same time?
    A maximum of 5 requests can be submitted at the same time. The individual requests can contain only a single polygon. The uploaded zipped shapefile must only contain a single polygon feature. The area of interest can contain multiple polygons but all polygons must be merged into a single polygon record (ie a single part polygon) for the process to run successfully. Similarly, the Draw function will only allow you to draw a single polygon to receive an exposure report and the Select Geography function will allow the selection of a single polygon to recieve an exposure report.
  • What is a zipped shapefile?
    A shapefile is a file format for storing spatial vector data. A shapefile is actually comprised of multiple individual files, including .shp, .dbf, .shx, .prj, .sbn, .sbx, .shp.xml. When using a zipped shapefile as your area of interest, you need to include as a minimum the .shp, .dbf, and .shx files. The files must be directly in the compressed folder, and cannot be within a folder that’s in a compressed folder. This can be achieved in windows explorer, by selecting the individual files, right click and select ‘Send to’, then ‘Compressed (zipped) folder’. If you have any questions or issues related to using a shapefile, please post in the forum or email:
  • How do I create my own exposure report?
    Custom Exposure Reports can easily be generated using the GA Web Mapping Application, found by either: Visiting the Australian Exposure Information Platform website at: Click ‘Explore’, under CREATE Accessing the application directly at: Within the Web Map, you can request a report by using the ‘Create Exposure Report’ tool: Step 1 - Select from drop down menu Step 2 – (Free text) Type a name for the event which the exposure report is for. This information will be displayed in the AEIP Job Status Board Step 3 - Upload, Draw or Select your Area of Interest Step 4 – (Free text) Type the name for the source of area of interest Step 5 - Select preferred exposure themes (at least one needs to be selected) Step 6 - Provide an Email address to receive your request. Click ‘Submit request’ If your request has all the required information, you will receive an email in 5-10 minutes with a link to the report. If any of the steps turn RED or an error received after submission, please correct and re-submit.
  • I am having issues viewing the map or using the tools?
    Please ensure your browser is HTML5 compatible. The recommended browser is Chrome, however Firefox or Microsoft Edge are also suitable options. If you are still having issues, please: check the AEIP forum for any known issues or updates post questions or issues on the forum or email:
  • What are the restrictions for the area of interest?
    To ensure the application will return a result the area of interest should: be less than 10mb in file size not exceed 150,000,000ha not include more than one capital city be generalised or smoothed (ie as few vertices as possible) especially if the area of interest has been converted from raster to vector format exclude 'donut' polygons and internal voids, or be kept to a minimum If you have not received an email containing your area of interest Exposure Report within 60 minutes, email:
  • What is an API?
    API stands for Application Programming Interface. In computer programming, an API enables developers to use, or incorporate an existing set of tools, protocols, routines directly in their own application or interface system. The Exposure Report API allows software developers to access the same functionality used by the Exposure Report mapping application to create exposure reports, within their own custom applications and/or existing systems.
  • Where can I access the Exposure Report API Documentation?
    The API Documentation can be found by either: Visiting the Australian Exposure Information Platform website at: Click ‘Explore’ under CONNECT. Accessing the documentation directly at:
  • How do I get an Exposure Report API key?
    An Exposure Report API key can be requested by simply emailing: An API Key acts as both a unique identifier and an authorisation token to allow applications to access the Exposure Report capability. Developers require a key to connect custom applications and/or existing systems.
  • What are the restrictions for the area of interest?
    To ensure the application will return a result the area of interest should: be less than 10mb in file size not exceed 150,000,000ha not include more than one capital city be generalised or smoothed (ie as few vertices as possible) especially if the area of interest has been converted from raster to vector format exclude 'donut' polygons and internal voids, or be kept to a minimum If you have not received an email containing your area of interest Exposure Report within 60 minutes, email:
  • What does an exposure report look like?
    The compressed file emailed to you (via a download link) includes your custom Exposure Report as a HTML file, a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, a GEOJSON file and an ESRI shape file depicting the area submitted. The HTML file (double clicked) will open in your default browser, and looks like a report document. This can subsequently be printed to PDF or printed as a hardcopy if required. The spreadsheet contains the same information in the HTML file; however its format is better suited for additional analysis. The GEOJSON file includes the geographic boundary submitted and accompanying report attributes. Not all the attributes in the HTML report are present in the GEOJSON file. The ESRI shape file is supplied so that an area can be resubmitted in future, if was initiallly hand drawn in the mapping application. Metadata and a map displaying your requested area of interest are included in the HTML and XLS files for reference. An example of a Geoscience Australia Exposure Report outputs is located at: View example Exposure Report
  • Where can I find more about where the data is sourced from?
    The Geoscience Australia Exposure Report Product Description document provides a detailed breakdown of definitions, methodologies, calculations, data sources, etc. This will help you to understand what is involved in capturing each exposure element. The Geoscience Australia Exposure Report Product Description is located at: View Exposure Report Product Description Document
  • Referencing AEIP data
    Geoscience Australia requests that AEIP data or information be appropriately acknowledged when used within other products, especially when used (combined) with other information sources within the same product/table. In a table or statement showing a combination of AEIP and other information, each AEIP attribute is to be sourced individually Example 1: or Example 2: ^Geoscience Australia (AEIP)
  • Can I access the spatial data?
    The underlying spatial data used to create and provide the information in the exposure report is not all publicly available due to licensing restriction on the source data. However, those datasets and web services which are available can be access from Geoscience Australia website. Geoscience Australia web service, or downloaded can be access from our data catalogue: Geoscience Australia Data Catalogue
  • How do I get/print a PDF version of the exposure report?
    Preform the following steps to create a PDF or print your downloaded Exposure Report: Open the HTML included in the downloaded zip file Use the print tools within the browser to print or create a PDF (i.e. 'Print to PDF') Ensure background graphics is enabled (required for all browsers - see below) Chrome: Click 'More settings' Under 'Options', ensure 'Background graphics' is checked on Internet Explorer: In Page Setup, ensure 'Print Background Colours and Images' is checked on Ideally use the settings below, as they will ensure the document retains the correct colours and content fits correctly. All browsers have a similar option to print background images/colours, in their print settings. If you have tried the above suggestions and still experiencing issues, please contact:
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